Controlled Exports
Manual on the personal importation of live animals and products of animal origin
This Manual was last updated in February 2017
Reviewed: August 2017
1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………….3
2. PROHIBITION/RESTRICTION …………………………………………………………………3
3. ACTION REQUIRED …………………………………………………………………………………3
4. LIST OF CONTACTS…………………………………………………………………………………5
5. RELATED DOCUMENTS…………………………………………………………………………..5
Due to the risk of introducing animal disease into the EU, either by post or in personal
luggage, the European Commission has issued legislation laying down measures with
regard to imports of products of animal origin for personal consumption and live
animals either in personal luggage or by post. The relevant legislation is referenced at
Section 5 of this manual.
In this manual, the term ’importation’ means the movement of goods and live animals
into Ireland from countries outside the EU.
Products of animal origin
The importation of products of animal origin which form part of travellers’ luggage or
that are sent as small consignments to private persons or that are ordered remotely (for
example by mail, by telephone or via the Internet) and delivered to the consumer, is
prohibited. However, limited derogations are applicable and details of these are set
out at Annex 1.
This prohibition does not apply to products imported from the following countries:
Andorra, Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino and Switzerland
Live animals, pets and birds
The importation of live animals, pets and birds which form part of travellers’ luggage
or that are sent as small consignments to private persons or that are ordered remotely
(for example by mail, by telephone or via the Internet) is restricted and is subject to
prior arrangement with DAFM.
However, this restriction does not apply to importations from Andorra, Croatia, Faroe
Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino,
Switzerland and Vatican.
Live animals may be imported only at Dublin Airport. Exceptionally, guide dogs or
emotional support pets may also be imported at Shannon Airport.
Live birds may be imported only at Dublin or Shannon Airports.
Products of animal origin
Where customs identify prohibited products and a DAFM officer is available the
following actions should be taken:
§ Seize the products, place in a leak proof plastic bag and hand over to the local
DAFM officer
§ Record the seizure on C-NET and tick the box headed “Transferred to
Issue a Receipt of Seizure to the importer on request.
Where a DAFM officer is unavailable
Mail Centres
§ Seize the products
§ Place the products in sealed leak proof plastic packaging, and label it:
Category 2 Material – Not For Animal Consumption
§ Record the details of the seizure on C-NET and tick the box headed
“Transferred to Agriculture”
§ Record the details of the seizure on the Form C2 (sample at Annex 2) and fax
to 01 6787360 for the attention of Ronan Halpin SVI.
§ Place the seized products in the DAFM freezer for collection by the DAFM
Veterinary Inspector. See Annex 3 for contact details.
§ A Commercial Document (sample at Annex 4) is required to move with the
product from the point of seizure to the knackery under Commission
Regulation (EU) 142/2011. Complete and sign the relevant parts as consignor
and retain a copy.
Arrange for collection by DAFM of the product and commercial document
Other locations
§ Seize the product
§ Place the products in sealed leak proof plastic packaging, and label it:
Category 2 Material – Not For Animal Consumption
§ Issue a Receipt of Seizure to the importer on request.
§ Record the details of the seizure on C-NET and tick the box headed
“Transferred to Agriculture”
§ Record the details of the seizure on the Form C2 (sample at Annex 2) and as
agreed locally, make available the completed C2 to the local DAFM office.
Place the seized product in the DAFM bin.
Live animals and Birds
Where Customs identify live animals or birds being imported, the following actions
should be taken:
§ Contact the Veterinary Inspector on duty at the airport or the nearest District
Veterinary Office. While awaiting the arrival of the Veterinary Inspector place
the animal in the location as specified under local arrangements with DAFM.
§ On arrival of the Veterinary Inspector, hand over any accompanying
documentation to DAFM.
§ In addition and in the case of animals other than dogs, cats and birds contact
National CITES Liaison Office to notify details.
DAFM Headquarters
Ronan Halpin SVI, NDCC, Veterinary International
Ph: 065 6866329
Customs Prohibitions & Restrictions Unit
Ph: 01 6744322
Customs Act 2015
Customs Act 1956
Customs and Excise Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1988
Commission Regulation (EC) No 206/2009
Commission Regulation (EC) No 136/2004
Council Directive 97/78/EC
Council Directive 2002/99/EC
Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011
Council Regulation (EC) No 998/2003
Commission Decision 2007/25/EC as amended by Commission Decision
Statutory Instrument No. 289 of 1994
Statutory Instrument No. 292 of 2000
Statutory Instrument No. 7 of 2012
Statutory Instrument No. 96 of 2007
Statutory Instrument No. 305 of 2012
Statutory Instrument No. 374 of 2012
Faroe Islands &
Croatia &
Other Countries
– bread, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and confectionery (including sweets) not mixed or
filled with meat product
– food supplements packaged for the final consumer containing small amounts of
animal products
– meat extracts and meat concentrates
– olives stuffed with fish
– pasta and noodles not mixed or filled with meat product
– soup stocks and flavourings packaged for the final consumer
– any other food product not containing any fresh or processed meat or dairy and with
less than 50% of processed egg or fishery products
– bread, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and confectionery (including sweets) not mixed or
filled with meat product
Derogated Derogated Derogated
powdered infant milk, infant food, and special foods required for medical reasons* 10kg 10kg 2kg
pet feed required for medical reasons* 10kg 10kg 2kg
fishery products (including fresh eviscerated fish) Derogated 20 kg or one fish whichever weight is
other animal products such as honey, live oysters, live mussels and snails for example 10kg 10kg 2kg
caviar of sturgeon species a maximum of 125 grams per person in containers individually
marked by means of a non-reusable CITES label
rainsticks of cacti up to three per person may be imported
dead worked specimens of crocodile, excluding meat and hunting trophies up to four per person may be imported
shells of queen conch up to three per person may be imported
dead seahorses up to four dead specimens per person may be imported
shells of giant clams up to three specimens per person (not exceeding 3kg in total), a
specimen may be one intact shell or two matching halves
* The product does not require refrigeration before consumption, it is a packaged proprietary brand product, and the packaging is unbroken unless in current use