The functions of the Minister in relation to the compulsory acquisition of land by a local authority under the following enactments were transferred to An Bord Pleanala. Reference in other legislation to the Minister and local enquiry and refers to the Board and to the hearing conducted by the appointed inspector, This includes the Public Health Act, most Local Government Acts, the Housing Act, the Sanitary Services Act, the Roads Act and the Derelict Sites Act
Where a compulsory purchase order is made in respect of acquisition of land by a local authority under any of the above enactments, and objections are received by the Board or local authority, objections which are made or withdrawn or where the Board is of the opinion that any objection relates exclusively to matters dealt with by the property arbitrator, the Board shall inform the local authority, which shall as soon as may be, confirm the order, with or without modification or may refuse to confirm it
The sanitary authority and electricity authority have powers to enter land having given notice under the below-mentioned legislation They need not acquire title to or an interest in the lands concerned.…
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