I am a member of Intertrade’s Brexit advisory panel. I am well positioned to advise on the risks that arise from Brexit for businesses across all sectors. I have practised business and commercial law as an Irish Solicitor and as an England and Wales Solicitor (from Ireland) for many years.
I have researched and written extensively on almost all relevant areas of Irish and UK law that relate to trade. I have written Irish Legal Guide’s extensive and practical explanation of Irish laws in the area of trade, the sales of good, the supply of services, international trade issues, customs, regulatory controls trade finance and tax.
I have also written extensively on the equivalent law and practice in the United Kingdom (uklegal.ie). As part of the Irish Legal Guide and Brexit Legal, I have written extensively on all aspects of European Union law.
I have written brexitlegal.ie which contains over 300 articles which deal in detail with the numerous legal aspects of Brexit. It follows the key areas of law together with the UK legislation on customs and trade which is intended to legislate for a possible transition period and the post-Brexit legal landscape. I have written extensively on trade laws and on the default WTO rules that may apply in the event of a so-called “hard Brexit”.
I have a well-developed insight into the interaction of Irish, UK and EU laws which enables me to understand the likely effect and implications of the disentanglement process. I am in a position to bring my broad cross-sectoral, cross-jurisdiction knowledge and experience to bear on the risks facing particular businesses and sectors.
If a so-called hard Brexit becomes a real possibility, then some business in Ireland and the United Kingdom may need to consider the establishment of a branch, subsidiary or another arrangement in the other jurisdiction. There exist important European Union law protections which enable such arrangements to be undertaken on a tax neutral basis, while both jurisdictions remain as members of the European Union.
New compliance and regulatory issues may arise for businesses. I am intimately familiar with the relevant regulatory in the various sectors and the taxation systems. I offer a broad-based risk assessment for businesses with a proposed strategy to deal with legal risks. I work with clients and partner firms to undertake a risk management plan and strategy and to put it into effect, if necessary.